A new introduction. Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in...
Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in spring. Snow white...
The best known Protea. It is an evergreen shrub that grows to 1.5m in...
White King Protea. Large flowerheads up to 30cms in diameter in Spring/...
A Great Selection of Deciduous Trees and Shrubs for Gardens of All Sizes.
A lovely deciduous shrub with glossy dark green foliage. It has upright growth with loose conical clusters of greenish white early flowers. Best grown in moist, fertile soil in semi-shade. Shelter from strong winds, good in north facing positions. 3ltr
This new deciduous form has white blooms in large panicles which turn rich pink then red as they mature. Best grown in moist, fertile soil in semi-shade. Shelter from strong winds, good in north facing positions. 4ltr pot.
Mock Orange. An arching shrub with clusters of large cup-shaped, highly fragrant white flowers with a slightly pink-flushed centre.
Elegant, dwarf, deciduous Japanese weeping willow shrub or small tree, bearing creamy-pink variegated young foliage that gradually fades. Orange-coral stems at leaf-fall. Yellow catkin type flowers in April. Ht. 2mt.(6ft.). Grows in full sun and moist, even wet, free draining soil. Can be grown in containers. Looks good by ponds or streams. 4ltr pot
A bushy shrub with deeply veined, dark green leaves, purple-red in autumn. Pretty white flowers mature to pink in late spring.
Medium sized deciduous shrub. Flowers lilac-pink edged white in e.summer with neat green leaves. very free flowering. Thrives on any fertile well drained soil
Witch Alder. A dense bushy shrub with oval blue-green leaves, turning bright red, orange, and yellow in autumn. Fragrant white, bottlebrush flowers borne before the leaves. 3ltr pot
A very attractive viburnum with large heads of white flowers, flushed pink at the edges. Very free flowering. Foliage gives good autumn colour. 3ltr
An attractive tree-like shrub with dull green toothed leaves, turning orange-yellow to red in autumn. Clusters of delicate, pendent bell-shaped creamy yellow flowers, veined red-pink.
We think this is a most choice deciduous shrub. It has elegant pinnate leaves on long arching stems. These produce slender racemes of pretty pink flowers from June to September. The fresh green foliage goes so well with the bright pea flowers. Best given a bit of shelter in full sun and light soil. Hardy. 3ltr pot
This fine shrub has an arching architectural habit with beautiful silvery leaves which shimmer in the sunlight. It has small highly scented creamy flowers in early summer. Best grown in full sun in well drained soil. Hardy & very tolerant. Looks good planted with purple leaved plants, eg Cotinus Royal Purple.
A semi-prostrate broom with arching stems and small green hairy leaves. Rich ruby red flowers borne in clusters in spring. 14cm pot