A new introduction. Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in...
Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in spring. Snow white...
The best known Protea. It is an evergreen shrub that grows to 1.5m in...
White King Protea. Large flowerheads up to 30cms in diameter in Spring/...
Passiflora give an Exotic Feel to the Garden. Best Grown on a Warm Sunny Wall. Choose From one of the Biggest Selections in the UK.
Stunning Exotic Passion Flowers for the Greenhouse, Conservatory and Summer Patio.
The Moonstone coloured Passionflower. It is a hybrid between Passiflora citrina and Passiflora sanguinolenta. The hybrid including its flowers is bigger than its parents but otherwise it is exactly in the middle between the two parental plants. Compact grower with pink centered creamy yellow flowers. Min 0C 32F or lower 3ltr pot
A Cross between P. actinia � P. caerulea �Constance Eliott. This vigorous grower has three lobed leaves and beautiful large showy flowers with white and blue banded corona filaments. Min temp 0C or lower. 3ltr specimen plants
White and mauve flowers from April-September. Vigorous and free flowering. Suitable for outdoors against a warm wall.
A Stunning tetraploid cross of P. 'Constance Elliott' x P. eichleriana. P.White Wedding is a lovely free flowering vine with lovely large white flowers. Suitable for outdoors in a sheltered position. Hardy to -5C.
A free flowering cross of P. White Wedding x P. caeruela, with attractive white flowers with white and blue centres. Best grown on a warm wall but can withstand temps to -10C. 3ltr pot
A tetraploid form of P.caerulea but with larger flowers with bright blue centres. Hardy to -10C. A vigorous climber with rich green leaves and bowl-shaped white flowers with blue tips in summer followed by orange-yellow fruit.
A very eye catching Passion flower with red hanging umbrellas from mid summer on. An evergreen with large three lobed leaves. Almost hardy but best protected (min -1c). It flowers best in cool conditions. A good cool conservatory plant. 13cm pot
A vigorous cross between caerulea and amethystina. Flowers are very similar to P. Purple Haze but with a redder centre. Hardy to at least -7C. A good variety for outdoors.
A very eye catching Passion flower crossed between P.Exoniensis x P.Mixta, with illuminating pinkhanging umbrellas from mid summer on. An evergreen with large three lobed leaves. Almost hardy but best protected (min -1c). It flowers best in cool conditions. A good cool conservatory plant
Large showy deep rose pink flowers with white corona, deep purple center. Trilobed leaves. Flowers throughout the year. Will tolerate light frosts.
A lovely free flowering variety with pretty light purple flowers on a long penducle throughout summer. Best grown in free draining soil and full sun on a patio or in a conservatory. 3ltr pot
Showy large flowers of scented purple-mauve flower with darker centres. Contrasted by a white ring. A lovely free flowering variety suitable for outdoors on a warm wall. 2-3ltr pot