A new introduction. Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in...
Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in spring. Snow white...
The best known Protea. It is an evergreen shrub that grows to 1.5m in...
White King Protea. Large flowerheads up to 30cms in diameter in Spring/...
A stunning range of Palms and Spiky plants to give your garden and terrace an architectural or Mediterranean feel.
A highly attractive Nolinia with fountain like foliage, much less rigid than other Nolina. Prefers full sun and free draining sandy gritty soil. Capable of withstanding t3mperaturescas low as -15c and is the best Nolina forUK conditions.
Ophiopogon Nigrescens. Unusual, clump-forming, rhizomatous grass with very dark, green leaves, turning to black in the sun. In summer they bear pretty pale pink, bell-shaped flowers, contrasting well with the black leaves. Plant in groups of 3 for a greater impact.
An intergeneric hybrid of Manfreda and Agave and take the best traits of each parent. ‘Mission to Mars’ gets it’s name from the red planet because of it’s deep red leaf colouration. The wide, arching green leaves are covered in deep reds blotches that merge to create the red leaf effect. 15cm pot
'Pinapple Express' is a new and exciting development in succulent breeding. Colourful leaves with unusual patterns and shapes make Mangaves a must-have. Spotted leaves that come into their own during the height of summer. Low maintenance and easy to grow and perfect in a pot. 13cm pot
A Mangave is a cross between an Agave and Manfreda. Noted for its deep red colour, Mangave 'Red Wing' is a tender perennial succulent boasting an evergreen rosette of thick, rigid, lance-shaped deep burgundy-red leaves, edged with short creamy teeth and tipped with cinnamon spines.
The cabbage head agave, Agave parrasana, is a rare and unusual agave bearing a compact rosette of tightly held, waxy, overlapping leaves, resembling a cabbage. A highly ornamental variety, its leaves are blue-green with red, hook-like teeth along the margins. 3ltr
Thatching reed.syn Elegia tectorum. A very popular restio, producing tufted clumps of stunning foliage. Excellent for a coastal garden. Lovely 80-100cm high plants in a 2-3ltr pot.
A low growing pampas grass with stunning Variegated foliage ideal for pots or as a feature plant in the border height to 70 cm. 3ltr pot
A stunning exotic evergreen bromelaid from Chile. A small species with rigid glabrous green leaves. Bears flowers spikes of globose clusters of purple flowers reaching 2m high. Grow in full sun and well drained soil. 2ltr pot
Puya berteroniana, Turquoise or Blue Puya is a medium-sized Puya with rosettes of long very thin silvery-green foliage that produces thick clumps and - in time - a tall silvery flower-spike with astonishing turquoise flowers and brightly contrasting orange anthers. 2ltr
An outstanding non-succulent spiky plant with purple/black, fearsomely white spined leaves. This hybrid Dykia produces pups freely making a dense mound of starfish-like rosettes, 30cm tall spikes of orange tubular flowers are produced in hot summers. Tolerant of -5 or a little lower for short periods.Full sun, free draining soil and give protection in...
Hesperaloe parviflora is a very unusual clump forming succulent with arching, linear, leathery, dark green to grey green leaves, 2-3 ft. long often with peeling fibrous margins. The freely produced flower spikes are 6-8 ft. high covered in orangey – red tube like flowers. Sunny spot in free draining soil. Excellent also as a long term container plant....