The Psidium cattleyanum (Strawberry Guava) is an evergreen shrub with...
One of the most distinctive and beautiful of climbers for the greenhouse...
An unusual small tree in the UK, Maclura pomifera has thorny branches...
An unusual shrub originating from SA to 1.5m tall, with glossy, deep...
A Stunning Range of Plants for the Garden and Conservatory to create a Truly Tropical Feel.
African Lily. Compact form with beautiful mid blue trumpet shaped flowers and dark green glossy foliage. Evergreen to semi-evergreen. Easy in well drained soil and sun. Height 30cm 2ltr pot
An evergreen, herbaceous perennial that reaches approximately 60cm in height when in flower. It produces a clump of green, arching strap-like leaves and rounded heads of tubular, dark purple-black buds and flowers from mid-summer to autumn. 2ltr
A collection of 5 Agapanthus of differant flowering heights and colours. 2-3 ltr pot
Enormus blue flowerhads appearing on tall stems during summer. 3ltr pot
A beautiful new variety, producing an abundance of extra large, dual coloured, white and blue flowers, above dark green clumping foliage during July and August. This variety is good in most conditions. 2-3ltr pot
Lily of the Nile. A clump-forming perennial with strap-shaped green leaves. Rounded clusters of large bell-shaped, white flowers in summer. 2-3ltr pot
A semi-evergreen shrub with arching stems of bright green leaves. Pendent bell-shape 3ltr pot
Bushy perennial succulent with stems each crowned by a rosette of black leaves. Single-headed in 9cm pots
Chatham Island Foget-me-not. A clump forming perennial with glossy large pleated leaves and light to dark blue flowers. 4-5ltr pot specimen plants
Rare white-flowered form.The largest of all geraniums. Rosettes of large shining leaves with brownish red stems. Massed heads of white flowers fade shell pink - complimenting the pink stamens and stigma Mar-Jul, large divided foliage, Plant in full sun in very well drained soil. 13cm pot
The largest of all geraniums. Rosettes of large shining leaves with brownish red stems. Large purplish pink flowers with netted veins and a dark crimson centre. 13cm pot
Native to Madeira this is a striking, large geranium with deep pink to crimson flowers. 3ltr