A new introduction. Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in...
Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in spring. Snow white...
The best known Protea. It is an evergreen shrub that grows to 1.5m in...
White King Protea. Large flowerheads up to 30cms in diameter in Spring/...
A Great Selection of Plants for the Conservatory. From Colourful Bougainvillea's, Exotic Passion Flowers, Scented and Aromatic Plants and Rare and Unusual Bushes.
Tender perrenial climber for the conservatory or summer patio. 2-3ltr pot
Arabian Jasmine. A shrubby variety with deep green leaves and clusters of fragrant, double white flowers, particularly at night make this a desirable conservatory plant. 15cm pot. Young plants for growing on. Rarely offered in the UK
Cape Leadwort. An evergreen shrub grown as a climber with pretty dark blue flowers. Flowers from June to November. A good plant for the conservatory or summer patio. 3ltr pot 70cm cane specimen plants
A semi climbing shrub from Africa grown as flowering ornamentals. Large heads of apricot and red starfish like flowers in summer. A good conservatory or summer patio shrub. 2-3ltr pot
Looking for an unusual houseplant that the neighbours are unlikely to have? Consider Heliconia'Hawaii'!. These plants are rarely available and they are exotic, upright beauties with long, slender evergreen leaves. Aptly named, they have wonderful clusters of orange-red bracts which appear throughout summer. 17cm pot
Vigorous and free flowering perrenialclimber for the conservatory and summer patio. Produces long racemes of pendulous mauvish blue flowers. 2-3ltr pot
A highly exotic flower, of glowing crimson red with a yellow base and slight yellow edge, which makes the Gloriosa an easy climber for the conservatory or greenhouse. 2-3ltr pot.
Arabian Jasmine. A twining climber with deep green leaves and clusters of fragrant, white flowers,particularly at night make this a desirable conservatory plant. Keep above 4C in good light. Evergreen. 12cm pot young plants for growing on.
This is a vigorous evergreen climber with purple divided leaves. From late winter-spring it bears panicles of rosy pink fragrant flowers which emerge from dark pink buds. It needs a warm sheltered position or can be grown as a houseplant or conservatory plant in colder areas. Best in sun or light shade.
A very eye catching Passion flower with red hanging umbrellas from mid summer on. An evergreen with large three lobed leaves. Almost hardy but best protected (min -1c). It flowers best in cool conditions. A good cool conservatory plant. 13cm pot
Snail Flower. South American climber of the Yam family with snail shaped fragrant flowers in succession through the summer months Excellent for the conservatory or summer patio. 13cm pot. Young plants for growing on.
A very eye catching Passion flower crossed between P.Exoniensis x P.Mixta, with illuminating pinkhanging umbrellas from mid summer on. An evergreen with large three lobed leaves. Almost hardy but best protected (min -1c). It flowers best in cool conditions. A good cool conservatory plant