A new introduction. Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in...
Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in spring. Snow white...
The best known Protea. It is an evergreen shrub that grows to 1.5m in...
White King Protea. Large flowerheads up to 30cms in diameter in Spring/...
Our extensive range of clematis plants are ideal climbers for any garden
As well as providing a background for plants in the borders, these climbers bring us fragrance too.
These evergreen climbers clothe walls, fences, pergolas and free-standing supports to bring a whole new dimension to the garden
A great range of climbers that love the sun.
Spectacular, trumpet-shaped, brilliant red flowers from August to September and dark green leaves. Best grown on a warm wall. 3ltr lovely plants
Purple Coral Pea. A strong growing evergreen climber with pea-like purple to violet flowers on pendent racemes in late winter to early summer. 2-3ltr pot
Jasmine. A vigorous climber with deep green leavesand clusters of pink buds opening to very fragrant white flowers in spring to summer. 2ltr pot 80cms
The world's first climbing fuchsia! Lady Boothby has bright two-tone flowers that adorn its red stems. Provide a little support and it'll clothe trellis, arches, walls and fences in no time at all. Apart from being vigorous it's also extremely hardy, so you can look forward to repeat performances year after year. 3ltr deep pot
Perennial Morning Glory. A vigorous evergreen climber with heart-shaped mid-green leaves. Abundant funnel-shaped rich purple-blue flowers from late spring to autumn. (AGM) 2-3ltr pot
This black grape is suitable to grow in cold greenhouse or conservatory. It will produce big, bunches of dessert grapes with an excellent flavour. It is easy and reliable, no wonder itメs an old favourite. 3ltr pot
Virginia Creeper. A deciduous self supporting climber producing a spectacular display of brilliant foliage in the autumn. Ideal for growing on walls or trees.
Kiwi Fruit. No need for separate male and female Kiwi's with this self fertile variety. Produces an abundance of fruit in the late Summer. Nice well grown plants on a 3ft cane.