A new introduction. Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in...
Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in spring. Snow white...
The best known Protea. It is an evergreen shrub that grows to 1.5m in...
White King Protea. Large flowerheads up to 30cms in diameter in Spring/...
These evergreen climbers clothe walls, fences, pergolas and free-standing supports to bring a whole new dimension to the garden
Cross Vine. Evergreen tendril climber. In summer funnel shaped reddish orange flowers appear in clusters in the leaf axils. Pea pod shaped fruits are produced in the autumn. Frost hardy in cool areas may lose its leaves in winter. Needs sun and fertile soil to flower well. 2-3ltr pot.
An evergreen climber with leathery green leaves. Clusters of fragrant, cup-shaped, white flowers, tinged violet in spring. Height 10m. Flower colour White. Flowers from April to May. Evergreen. Foliage colour Green. Frost hardy. Sheltered Site.
'Waterwheel' is a vigorous yet slow-growing, self-clinging, borderline hardy, evergreen climber bearing lance-shaped, glossy, dark blue-green leaves with silvery veins, often turning deep red or purple in winter, and clusters of strongly fragrant, creamy-white flowers in summer. 3ltr
Evergreen, woody stemmed climber with lovely variagated leaves. Produces beautiful pink deep throated flowers from late winter to summer. 2-3ltr pot
Climber with wavy, lance-shaped leaves, felted beneath. Bell-shaped, fragrant, white or pale pink flowers. Flowers for most of the summer semi-evergreen. Min temp -5C. Sheltered Site.
Purple Coral Pea. A strong growing evergreen climber with pea-like purple to violet flowers on pendent racemes in late winter to early summer. 2-3ltr pot
A vigorous, semi-evergreen climbing shrub producing numerous clusters of distinctive purple-blue flowers throughout summer.
The 'potato vine', synonym of Solanum laxum 'Album' from Brazil. A delightful semi-evergreen for a sheltered sunny wall in moist well drained soil. It blooms from summer through to autumn with starry white flowers which are lightly scented & have pretty yellow stamens. It is fairly hardy & survives -8c, so give a bit of a mulch of composted leaves...
Wonga Wonga Vine. A fast growing evergreen, woody stemmed, twining climber. Cream-yellow flowers which are streaked and often red, brown or purple that are borne in clusters in the summer. Height 6m or more. Tolerant of some frosts. 2ltr litre pot.
A beautiful rambling rose. It is semi-evergreen with glossy leaves and thornless stems. The flowers are tiny clusters of pure white scented double blooms. These smother the graceful stems in early summer. Best grown against a mild sunny wall. A charming and classy plant. 3ltr pot
A beautiful rambling rose. It is semi-evergreen with glossy leaves and thornless stems. The flowers are tiny clusters of butter yellow scented double blooms. These smother the graceful stems in early summer. Best grown against a mild sunny wall. A charming and classy plant. 3ltr
Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining climber, with leaves of 5-9 leaflets. Has clusters of funnel-shaped, pink flowers which are spotted purple in the throat from late winter to summer which smell like marshmallows. Best grown against a warm wall. 1-2ltr pot.