A new introduction. Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in...
Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in spring. Snow white...
The best known Protea. It is an evergreen shrub that grows to 1.5m in...
White King Protea. Large flowerheads up to 30cms in diameter in Spring/...
A great range of climbers that love the sun.
Spectacular, trumpet-shaped, brilliant red flowers from August to September and dark green leaves. Best grown on a warm wall. 3ltr lovely plants
A superb new variety. Delicate very fragrant flowers that are the deliciously rich colour of clotted cream. Clotted cream direct from Cornwall without the calories! 2-3 ltr
Jasmine. A vigorous climber with deep green leavesand clusters of pink buds opening to very fragrant white flowers in spring to summer. 2ltr pot 80cms
This is a vigorous evergreen climber with purple divided leaves. From late winter-spring it bears panicles of rosy pink fragrant flowers which emerge from dark pink buds. It needs a warm sheltered position or can be grown as a houseplant or conservatory plant in colder areas. Best in sun or light shade.
Japanese Honeysuckle. A twining climber with dark green leaves and very fragrant white flowers ageing to yellow, followed by blue-black berries. (AGM) 3ltr
Honeysuckle baring clusters of fragrant yellow and purple flowers in summer. Excellent for walls and fences. 3ltr deep pot
Passiflora x caerulea-racemosa is a slender evergreen climber which produces its dull red flowers over a long season, this is the nearest you can get to red flowers on a passionflower that is hardy. Flowering is best on a warm wall. 3ltr specimen plants
'Waterwheel' is a vigorous yet slow-growing, self-clinging, borderline hardy, evergreen climber bearing lance-shaped, glossy, dark blue-green leaves with silvery veins, often turning deep red or purple in winter, and clusters of strongly fragrant, creamy-white flowers in summer. 3ltr
A twining evergreen climber with glossy dark green leaves that turn bronze-red in winter. Pure white fragrant flowres are produced from mid-late summer. Frost hardy. 3ltr
'Pink Showers' is a frost hardy, evergreen climber with trailing stems bearing leathery, glossy, narrowly lance-shaped, dark green leaves and terminal clusters of fragrant, star-shaped, light pink flowers in summer. 3ltr pot
Trachelospermum Star of Toscane, commonly referred to as Yellow Star Jasmine is an excellent versatile evergreen climber, also superb for ground cover producing masses of the most intoxicatingly scented star like small flowers in mid to late summer, varying from butter yellow to creamy yellow as they age. Superb plants on triple canes 3ltr pot
A new introduction 'Pink Air' is a frost hardy, evergreen climber with trailing stems bearing leathery, glossy, narrowly lance-shaped, dark green leaves and terminal clusters of fragrant, star-shaped, light pink flowers in summer. 3ltr pot