A new introduction. Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in...
Australian shrub with lots of scented flowers in spring. Snow white...
The best known Protea. It is an evergreen shrub that grows to 1.5m in...
White King Protea. Large flowerheads up to 30cms in diameter in Spring/...
A Selection of some of the less common Citrus. Kumquats, Limequats, Grapefruits and Citrons.
An evergreen tree with large veined leaves, producing fragrant yellow fruits in early spring. Best grown on a south facing wall in well drained soil. 3l19cm pot approx 65cms high.
D.virginiana is a very elegant, ornamental, small fruit tree with good autumn coloration. The American Persimmon produces very sweet tasting fruit which when ripe gives an exquisitely rich flavour. The fruits can be eaten straight from the tree or died. Its fragranced flowers appear among the large, leathery, full leaves. It starts to produce fruit from...
The Psidium cattleyanum (Strawberry Guava) is an evergreen shrub with simple, glossy leaves. It produces strawberry sized fruits that turn purple when mature. They are sweet, aromatic (similar to the strawberry) and can be used in salads, mixed into yoghurt or they can be blended into smoothies or fruit juices. Needs protection in winter so best grown in...
Tree tomato - Tamarillo. A semi-woody sub-tropical evergreen shrub with a treelike form that typically grows rapidly to 2.5m with large edible tomato-like fruit on plants with large leaves. Originates from Brazil. 12cm pot