Lemon Tree. A Lemon tree approx 70-80cms high looking great with fruits....
Feed for citrus plants during the winter. Use from October. (160g). This...
Lemon Tree. A lovely full standard 4 Seasons lemon tree approximately...
Meyer Lemon. A cross between a Lemon and Mandarin producing fruit that...
Lime Tree. A lovely standard Lime tree, approx 70-80cms (inc pot). A...
Scented leaves with a zesty lime flavour. Used in Thai cooking. This...
A lovely tree approx 70cms high (inc.pot) Produces sweet juicy tasty...
A dense upright, evergreen shrub with glossy, leathery light green...
A lovely citrus tree approx 30cm (inc pot), currently with green fruit...
No manufacturer
Tecomaria Tropical Twist is a new species grown in the Netherlands in...
The Psidium cattleyanum (Strawberry Guava) is an evergreen shrub with...
One of the most distinctive and beautiful of climbers for the greenhouse...
An unusual small tree in the UK, Maclura pomifera has thorny branches...
No supplier
An attractive self fertile tree with handsome foliage, that produces a heavy crop of medium sized pear-shaped figs. The green skinned fruits have a delicious, sweet flavour and yellow and red flesh. Brunswickメ is particularly well suited to the UK climate being particularly hardy and more tolerant of colder, wetter growing conditions than many other...
A shrub with a swollen bulbous stem and terminal rosettes of long stalked 3-5 lobed leaves and flat topped clusters of bright orange or yellow flowers. Native of C.America. 13cm pot approx 25cm
Honeysuckle baring clusters of fragrant yellow and purple flowers in summer. Excellent for walls and fences. 3ltr deep pot
One of the most distinctive and beautiful of climbers for the greenhouse is this fine plant originating in Central America. It bears in spring long racemes of lilac, five-pointed flowers (actually the calyx) surrounding a deep violet centre (the true flower). 17cm pot rarely offered in the UK.
A surprising hybrid between finger-lime and limequat (Lime mexicana x kumquat), giving an elongated green fruit, with a taste evoking lemongrass and kaffir lime. 20cm pot approx 50-60cms
Kucle is a hybrid cross between a Kumquat and a Clementine. Fruits are larger than a Kumquat and rounded. They are eaten with the skin on and have a zesty flavour with a clementine aftertaste. Nice plants with fruits. 20cm pot
Ideal for a conservatory, cold greenhouse or sheltered wall, this vigorous climber has three-pronged tendrils which resemble cat's claws. Deep yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers are produced over a very long period throughout the summer. 2-3ltr
A striking new hybrid Grevillea it develops into a fully foliaged plant to the ground and when in full flower, has gold clusters of flowers more or less from every terminal growth. Flowering is prolonged from Autumn to Spring. Frost hardy to minus 3 degrees C once established. Adaptable to most well drained soils in an open sunny situation.
This new variety of Bluebell Creeper produces an abundance of dark azure blue flowers, far more vivid than the parent species. Sollya heterophylla 'Ultra Blue' has a better branching habit too, creating a denser appearance with more blooms. The nodding flowers are borne throughout the summer against a backdrop of slender, evergreen foliage. 3ltr pot
An unusual Citrus variety. Citrus Arcobal Orange is a very attractive citrus that comes from a crossing of Citrus meyeri x Citrus sinensis doppio sanguigno. They bear slightly elongated orange shaped striped fruits and blooms with wonderful white fragrant flowers in the spring. 24cm pot 120-130cms
Pseudopanax 'Moa's Toes' in an unusual tall evergreen shrub or eventually very small tree (in mild areas) which has distinctive dark greenish-purple, three lobed leaves which resemble a Moas toes. Established plants develop quite a bushy habit. 2ltr
The hardy plumbago, Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, is a low-growing, spreading, woody perennial with slender red stems clothed in bright green leaves, which turn bright red before falling in autumn. With vivid blue flowers, in small clusters from late summer to mid-autumn. It makes a great ground cover plant and is perfect for adding late colour to the...